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Life During Quarantine: Brad Tomaziefski

--Ada Wofford

----13 May 2020

In this installment of Life During Quarantine we chat with Brad Tomaziefski who is the singer in both SLOPHOUSE and Marine Todd. He tells us about what projects he’s been working on during these crazy times and what records have been resonating with him recently.

MLU: Tell us what instrument(s) you play and what project you are currently working on—If nothing current, what have you worked on recently or in the past?

Brad: I actually don’t play any instruments, unless harmonica and whistling count. I sing a lot though. I’m in two bands, SLOPHOUSE and Marine Todd. SLOPHOUSE is currently on a break as we can’t really justify 4 people in a cramped basement but... Marine Todd is just my friend nick and I. We distance in his storage bin and we’re writing stuff now actually.

MLU: As a singer and writer what have you been doing during quarantine?

Brad: Well, I’ve been writing a lot. Both in general and in the context of whatever music I’m working on. I like to play with words and melodies a lot so even if I’m walking or driving around I find myself singing to whatever signs I see on the road or what people are doing in the sidewalks, etc. Carolanne (my partner) laughs at me because I sing everything around me while I drive. Sometimes she takes part which is really fun.

But a lot of writing. There’s a lot of SLOPHOUSE songs I have to finish.

Getting some tone in Marine Todd's studio

MLU: Do you feel that quarantine is affecting your productivity as a musician/writer? If yes, how so? If no, why not?

Brad: Yes. I’m back to work now, but when I was furloughed I found that it afforded a lot more time to play around like that. Fun work. It got me into a habit I hadn’t been in for a while; actually sitting down and working things out. Don’t get me wrong, I waste a lot of time on video games as well. But the time was there to spread around. Now that I’m back to work, I find that those habits carry over. I’m more likely to work on writing that I was before.

MLU: What records have you been gravitating towards during this time?

Brad: Thin Lizzy’s Black Rose, Shellac’s Excellent Italian Greyhound. An unhealthy amount of Lou Barlow. So, like Sebadoh and stuff. And the Purple Mountains record. There’s a lot of hope in that sadness.

MLU: Do you think you’re gravitating towards them specifically because of the quarantine?—If so, how?

Marine Todd's mixing desk

Brad: Maybe. Maybe I do. At least the Lou Barlow/Sebadoh stuff. It’s comforting. As well as the Purple Mountains record. I feel closer to those because the subject matter is relatable. Like, I can’t hang out with folks now and I feel like I’m hanging out when I can sing along to those songs. And I can feel my life in the words. It’s almost like I’m with friends again.

MLU: Writing a song about quarantine/the pandemic—Cool or Cheesy?

Brad: Context. Is. Key. It could be cool or cheesy. It depends. I don’t know! I’m not writing any but I don’t think I could pull it off. It’s seems like an obvious choice in terms of subject matter. I wouldn’t discount anyone that did however. Weird. I mean, why wouldn’t you? Or me. I mean anyone. Why wouldn’t folks write about it? I’m not confident enough to do so myself.

MLU: I guess the argument is that a subject that's really obvious can come off as bit cliché or even a bit opportunistic. This has been the most interesting question for me to ask people.


MLU: What’s the first thing you plan on doing once this is over?

Brad: Going to grab a Golden Monkey and Jameson in Dahlak’s back yard. Dahlak is a west Philly bar I really miss hanging out at.

MLU: Just for fun, if you were to write a song about quarantine or the pandemic, what would you call it?

Brad: “The (lonely) Days of Our Lives.”

Read our review of Marine Todd’s new EP here and listen to “Wha Happened?” below:

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