--Ada Wofford
Ugh, here we go again. Grimes was really cool when she quietly put those two albums on Bandcamp for free (Halfaxa and Geidi Primes). She was cool when she recorded her first proper album Visions. By the time Art Angels came out she was just kinda ok but still fun to get drunk and dance to with your friends. But now, with the new single “Violence” out, all I can do is roll my eyes. You can listen to it and watch the video below but honestly, there’s no point because you already know exactly how it will sound and look. Generic pop beats; her, at times, irritating falsetto; and a bunch of women dancing around in weird outfits. The worst part is that hook though—"And I like it like that. And I like it like that.” Yikes! Anyway, as Lavern Burton always put it, don’t just take my word for it. Listen below.